Clinics We Offer

Childhood Immunisations

All children registered at TBMG will be invited to have immunisations in accordance with the current Public Health England recommendations.

Details of the current schedule can be viewed here on the NHS Choices website

Chronic Disease Management

Our highly skilled clinical team provide management and monitoring for our patients with diabetes, asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and osteoarthritis. Regular monitoring and support ensures the best possible quality of life for patients with chronic diseases.


Our Doctors and Nurses can advise you on a wide range of contraceptive methods, please book an appointment to discuss further.

Healthy Heart & Lung Health Checks

Healthy Heart checks are available to all patients who meet the following criteria:

  • I am aged 40 -74
  • I have not had a heart attack or stroke
  • I do not have diabetes or kidney disease
  • I have not had a Healthy Heart / NHS Health check within the last 5 years
  • I am not on medication for high blood pressure or a statin for cholesterol

Lung Health checks are available to all patients who meet the following criteria:

  • I am aged 35 or over
  • I am a current smoker
  • I do not have a diagnosis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or asthma
  • I have not had a lung health check in the last 5 years

The check is free, painless and will only take about thirty minutes. If you haven't yet received an invitation and think you may be eligible, please speak to our reception team.


Does Age Affect The Risk Of Flu? Yes. If you are aged 65 years or over or you are at higher risk

  • Who is at risk?
  • If you are aged 65 years or over or if you are on regular inhaled steroids
  • If you have a chronic respiratory disease (including asthma)
  • If you have chronic heart disease
  • If you have chronic renal disease
  • If you are diabetic
  • If you have a weak immune system
  • If you live in a long-stay residential or nursing home
  • If you have a chronic liver disease
  • If you are a carer

Do I Need To Be Protected Against Pneumococcal Infection?

Everybody aged 65 and over should now be immunised to help protect them against pneumococcal infection which can cause diseases such as pneumonia, septicaemia (blood poisoning) and meningitis. Please phone the surgery during September to make an appointment if the above applies to you.

Maternity Services

Maternity services are provided by our local midwifery team based at the High Flyers Children's Centre in Thornaby. Once you have confirmed your pregnancy with the practice you will be provided with contact details for the midwifery team.

Weight Management
Travel Health and Advice

The Practice provides a number of basic vaccinations for travel purposes. Unfortunately, over recent months there has been a national shortage of certain vaccines which has had an impact on our ability to provide services. If you require vaccinations for foreign travel, please check which vaccinations are required for the country you are visiting. Information can be found on the links below and websites opposite.

Once you have done that please contact the practice AT LEAST EIGHT WEEKS prior to your planned date of departure.

Select the region you are travelling to find out more.

The following websites will give you additional travel advice

  • Travel Health for information of vaccinations available on NHS
  • MASTA for private vaccination clinics
  • for specific country travel advice
  • GHIC and EHIC to get healthcare cover abroad